Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Not so old dog, new tricks - boxer update

Update on the dog training! I definitley still practice dexter's tricks all the time to keep his brain stimulated and today we were sitting on the couch and he was just staring at me so I held up my hand and thought maybe he'll high 5 me (he's never done this). I started saying "high 5 dexter" and just as I was telling my husband that dexter probably thought I was telling him to stay (thats the same hand gesture) dexter actually gave me a high 5!! I freaked out and he freaked out he got SOOOOO excited. So I sat him on the ground and said "high 5" and he went for it again right away! He picked it up after doing it ONCE!

Seriously, it blows my mind how quickly a dog learns after he/she learns the signs of reward or praise from their owner. He didn't even need a treat to do it he just loved getting the attention.

He's much better in the crate still these days except for today. Brandon came home to find some of the stuffing tore out of the blanket in his crate. I know they reccomend giving him more to chew on in the crate if they do this but I'm afraid that with an agressive chewer it could just lead to unfortunate incidents like him eating a part of toy and choking on it or having it get stuck in his intestines.

I'd rather play safe than sorry and have him in their with just his kong.

I really wish we stuck with ignoring him more when people come over because he goes CRAZY when the doorbell rings or someone knocks. I think I'm going to try and get brandon to practice this with me. I think maybe when I come home from work I'll ring the bell and brandon won't open the door until dexter calms down and retreats from the door.   Maybe it'll work.

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