I have a REAL
Remember when pokes....were POKES and comments were actual conversations held in person or on the phone...hell even text messages were prevalent. Now it's comments and instragram photos.
Have you talked to so and so lately?
No but I saw their instagram post.
I miss real conversations, coffee dates, wine nights, game nights, dancing, laughing, having fun and not worrying about whether or not someone I don't like on facebook saw pictures of me having fun.
Let's all chuckle because we've ALL done it! You've added someone you didn't care for because of some stupid reason. Maybe you wanted to see where they are now? You've checked in on an ex to see how horrible you hoped their life was? It's seriously just bad. Well, I'm done with it. If we're not friends you're deleted. If you are on there let's BE friends. REAL LIFE friends. The kind that don't need a phone or computer to talk. Let's go back to the wonder years. I have done a little dabbling here and there on facebook but it's pretty much come to a standstill because it made me realize how much I sometimes hate the things we all do.
I hate the feeling pictures or posts can give you when people try to show how much fun they're having without your or at least how much fun their pictures portray them to supposedly be having without you or what not. It's DEPRESSING people. So why do we do it? Why do we check our facebook accounts multiple times a day? Why do we check our instagram feed to see what someone's eating, drinking, or who they are with or where they are or how great they look today?
Seriously, think back to when none of this existed. You were probably a lot less depressed and maybe a lot more free.
I'm on a move to be free again. Free from "social networking" and into the REAL networking.
My husband is an idol to me. He could care less about what's going on with people on a day to day basis. And those that HE does care what's going on; He calls them!
I want to be more like him in this sense.
I'm not saying facebook or social network is bad. So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE no hate comments.
This is a personal revelation and pursuit of living. I think blogging is a great outlet to get your ideas, memories and thoughts out so I think I'm going to spend more time here and less time elsewhere online.
This is just a personal pursuit of getting back to basics. Or you might think I'm crazy, dumb, or being ridiculous. That's fine too. I'm sure at some point I have been all of these things or perceived that way at one time or another to someone via facebook and I very well may be.
Let's get back to REALity.
and so this is not just text here is a real life moment I LOVED! Getting to spend time with one of those closest to my heart. My sister Jenny (COME BACK ALREADY!!)
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