I think we all struggle with this a little bit and I found some good healthy tips on a website that I couldn't agree more with and I plan to live in action more. I think many of us could benefit from these.
1. Set an intention. (DECIDE what kind of a day you're going to have and remind yourself of this all day...Today is beautiful and perfect!)
2. Be true to yourself, Being a people pleaser is a very frustrating way to live. Get in the habit of pleasing yourself. You are responsible for your own happiness. Your feelings are important. (AMEN!)
3. Change your mental diet. Avoid debby-downers. Don't let anyone bring you down
4. Be aware of what your monkey mind, the voice in your head, is saying. Keep focus on the great things and disregard or leave the negative.
5. Upgrade your physical diet. Bre will attest to this!!!
6. Stop comparing yourself to others. I think we all struggle with this one, and it can really be a detriment to your health mentally and physically. love what you have and are
7. Create an uplifting environment for yourself. 8. Celebrate your successes.
9. Be grateful.
10. Create a list of accomplishments and review it often. Give yourself credit!
11. Don’t take yourself, or life, too seriously. This one's easy for me!
12. Learn something new. Teach yourself somethign new! I always feel good after trying a new recipe.
13. Do things that stretch your comfort zone.
14. Do something nice for yourself. I'm feeling ice cream today!
15. Do something nice for someone else. (without expectation of getting anything back)
16. Spend time regularly doing things you find joyful.
17. Do something physical. Dog walks!
18. Spend time with supportive, uplifting people. <3
19. Create positive affirmations about yourself.
20. Allow yourself to be where you are. Meditation helps
21. Remind yourself often you are a miraculous, sacred, perfect expression of Life.
22. Spend some time just being. Nature!
My furnace wouldnt kick on this morning which wouldnt be a big deal but for some reason it's colder in my house than it is outside!
I missed yoga with my best friend and support bre So I need to make time to get in some yoga and help bre out with some planning for her upcoming big day!
Instead after the furnace got fixed, Dexter and I went for a walk, I vaccummed, did dishes, cleaned floors, I even vaccumed window wills haha.
I'm waiting for brandon to get home so I can finish raking the leaves the last owners left all over the place.
Dexter loves the sun, its the first time I saw him sit and lay on the grass just for fun.
Oh! and the update on my unplugged to facebook week. I haven't logged on since! It was actually easier than I thought it would be.
First I found tiny puppy pictures of dexter!! look how little he was!
And ...now!
I love you! You are amazing, its okay that today didn't work out, we always have any day (besides weds) this week! I bought the invites on sale when I went to get Hannah's bed! had such a good time last night! good energy <3