Saturday, April 4, 2015

30 day challenge

If you Google "30 day challenge" you will find roughly 212,000,000 challenges.
  • Plank challenge
  • Fitness challenge
  • 30 days of yoga
  • 30 day challenge for single women
  • Vegan Challenge
  • Juicing Challenge
  • Gratitude challenge
  • Take the activia challenge
  • Instagram picture challenges
Last week I challenged myself to give up Facebook. For how long? I'm not exactly sure but I'm going to start with 30 days away to focus on ME instead of everyone else. We share pictures, like statuses, and leave comments. But at the end of the day, I was focusing way too much on everyone else.

I'm officially on day 10. Here is what I have learned:
  1. I am way too attached to Facebook. I have found myself on several occasions picking up my phone ready to open my internet explorer and start typing in www.fac... . See, months ago I deleted the app in order to help stay off of Facebook. It does help greatly but does not stop the habit.
  2. There's nothing I couldn't be updated on by a simple text message, email, phone call or visit.
  3. I have more free time when not on facebook.
  4. I have more self control than I give myself credit for. I can honestly say I have not slipped even ONCE in the 10 days so far. 
I think at the end of this challenge I am going to make it a habit to make Facebook a once-a-month (if even) habit. With all this extra time I've found myself starting a Q & A a day journal . I've also been doing a lot of reading for personal development and one of my favorite websites, Levo.

I've also decided to begin my own version of p90x3 once again on May 1st. I'm very excited to get back into and am hoping I can get the new puppy (Hera) used to a routine as well so that there is not a significant amount of attacking.
Let's end today with some motivation...and a puppy!

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