Thursday, November 21, 2013

We all want the same thing.

After speaking with a friend this week it helped me to recollect and simply....think. This is for you.
We spend a lot of our lives believing we're different, we're unique, we're special, we're not like them, we're better, we're worth more, or maybe you think the opposite of yourself.
But there's one thing that keeps us all connected. Something we're all in search for.

That person next to you on the bus is searching for it. That person you can't stand at work....yeah they have something you have too. The homeless man begging for change he's looking for it too. Your mother, father, siblings, friends, enemies, lovers, ex-lovers... Heck even John Lennon was looking for it.

I'll come back to what it is.

For now think about that bad break up you had, that falling out with a friend, a fight with a coworker. You probably thought the things we all immediately think. They're wrong. They don't understand me. They can't see my side. Why me?

A long time ago something hit me out of nowhere. Now let me put up this disclaimer. NOTE: I am NOT a professional. I'm only 29, but some days I feel older than I am.

After a bad break up many lifetimes ago, I left angry and upset. I was living through some tough times at home at the same time. It just came to me one day I asked myself... Why should I be the only one allowed to be happy? He deserves to be happy too, and if it's not with me it should still be with someone. 

Which brings me to the answer of what we all are looking for, Happiness.

Again I am not a professional but I do know that anger and hate can manifest and turn you into something or someone you're not. Don't let it. You HAVE a choice!

I've a heard a quote I remind myself of often and it's "don't let someone else's inability to do their job effect your ability to do your job"
The same can go for kindness and happiness

Don't let someone else's inability to be kind or do kind things effect your ability to be kind or do kind things. If you let them, they'll continue to do damage on your psyche and you'll feel stuck in a circle.

Many of us if not all of us have faced some very difficult times and tragedies. We cannot control this but we can control how we respond to the situations.

We all need a little more kindness and a little more acceptance.  I'll be damned if I ever let someone turn me into an angry bitter or vengeful person. I will ALWAYS be the eternal optimist.

When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy’. They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life.”

― John Lennon

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