Saturday, June 30, 2012

Under Pressure

Good morning good people!!!

I've been on a pretty big hiatus dealing with STRESS. Unfortunately stress is something most of us cannot escape. It does a lot to a person.

-lack of sleep (I found myself waking up EVERY 25-30 minutes the other night)
-high blood pressure (I was too afraid to check mine)
-immune system weakened
-loss of appetite.

The list goes on and on. I simply felt burnt out. You there? Everyone deals with stress in their own way, so I don't expect my words to help everyone but maybe it will help someone.

*Got a dog? go for a walk! EVERY morning. Yes...EVERY morning. It's probably been one of the most helpful things for me. It reminds me that there's more to me than what I do or what is stressing me. Many people joked that buddist monks look and act like little children in their later years. The reason for this is because they keep their mind in a constant state of wonder. Just like a baby.

Do this! Walking dexter every morning helps remind me how nice the summer morning air feels, smells, and how it looks. The other day I spent a good 5 minutes mesmorized in the shower looking at the water as it fell onto my hands. (by now you think i'm crazy) but simply being their and noticing what was going on right then, how it felt and looked was pretty neat. (No....I wans't drunk).

*Exercise. I've been so stressed I havent left myself much time to exercise. Latley I started running and although I dont typically run too far yet, I have learned to control my breath and not get tired early.

*Music in the morning. Turn it up loud, dance and sing while you make breakfast or coffee!

Stress can consume you if you let it. When you feel like its becoming too much talk to someone who makes you laugh or smile, it'll pull you right back to what really matters.

I'm a lover, i'm a liver, i'm a doer, i'm simple, i'm a friend, a dog mom :)

My job is simply what I do not who I am.

Todays morning is brought to you by Neil Young's Heart of Gold. 

Now go take your dog for a walk, Dexter and I are leaving for ours now. Try to focus on nothing else in your life but whats going on in the moment.  Afterall....nextflix, pinterest, and instagram are all down. So go back to living life!


Sunday, June 3, 2012

Have fun! It's healthy!

Did you know that everytime you smile your body releases endorphins?
Fun loving optimistic people also live longer!

So to help contine our healthy happy long endorphin releasing lives haha, we went out last night!

Here's how it went....

It's important to take time out from your busy schedule to unwind...really unwind. Smile, laugh, dance like a fool and not care what anyone around you may be thinking.

To recoup today I think a lot of us spent time in our sweatpants haha. While I felt alright with it for the most part, I always feel lazy and gross after laying around all day. I need to learn to just sit and be haha. "the rock just sits and rock, rock!" (I <3 huckabees).

All in all a great night out and a great reminder of how great people can be if you just let them in. I love you guys!
