It's very tragic what happened to the 14 year old kid from this area. Its very tragic what happens to many kids all over the world. I'd like to say it gets better as you get older. But does it really?
It's insane the amount of bullying that goes on thanks to facebook. I see it almost every day and it baffles my mind.
who cares what someone likes
who cares what someone doesnt like
who cares what music they listen to
who cares what they wear, what they drink, what they eat, what they do, where they work.
Every person is entitled to be who they want to be and I wish it was without judgement.
I want my friends, family, their friends and family, their children and siblings to all feel free to be who they want regardless of whether or not someone else thinks its cool or not.
You can't say bullying is bad and then be a bully. It doesn't work that way.
I'm saying we all give everyone a chance starting now. A chance to be themselves. Free of Judgement. Each one of us is perfect the way we are. And if what we do, wear, eat , drink, listen to, watch, or read makes us happy...then you know what I'm glad :)
I'm happy for each and every one of you and what you choose to do with your life. its your choice and I respect that and I appreciate the differences we all have.
Todays the day we should all start, if we haven't already.
I agree Sheryl! Well said.