Sunday, January 13, 2013

be the person your dog thinks you are

Social media has allowed people to be friends with the people they hate in a passive way. Look through your facebook friends list. How many of them could you say you are truely friends with, and how many can you say you added to keep tabs on or "just because".

I will not add people anymore just because. If you're still on my list its because we are friends or I would like to make a consciencious effort to work on our friendship. If you find yourself gone this probably don't even notice.

I read something that struck a chord

The Awakened
How joyful to look upon the awakened
and to keep company with the wise.
Follow then the shining ones,
the wise the awakended, the loving,
For they know how to work and forbear.
but if you cannot find
Friend or master to go with you,
Travel on alone--
Like a king who has given away his kingdom
Like an elephant in the forest.
If the traveler can find a virtuous and wise companion
Let him go with him joyfully
and overcome the dangers of the way.
follow them,
As the moon follows the path of the stars.
Deleting someone from your facebook or life because its someone you would rather be alone then surround yourself with is not mean, its liberating. You'll be amazed how much less drama and complications there will be in your life.
Liberate yourself. You truely are who you surround yourself with. Remember that.