Monday, October 22, 2012

back from my hiatus

hello Internet world!
I've decided to come back to you after a long hiatus. A lot has happened. My lovely husband and I had our first anniversary :) The first of many many more to come!
Then there was the union of two amazing, kind, beautiful people (inside & out) :)

And of course the marriage of Mr & Mrs Monroe.

I know I may sound redundant but I really love these people! They make my life an even better place so thank you to you all! AND TAKE CARE OF EACH OTHER or I will hunt down the one who's doing wrong haha

So I really just wanted to start off simple and slow with a post congratulation those who have made their relationships "official". Thank you for letting me be a part of your lives.

Lastly, I'll just say on a quick note that I have a new job and I am enjoying coming home each night with NO calls to home and no panic attacks about whats happening at work!

Work should be important to you and you should always want to give your best. but it is STILL a job. Remind yourself to enjoy your time with your loved ones and be present.

Back on the saddle again.
