Today is a two-fer!...or is it two-for....either way, you get TWO posts today!
Brandon and I (as most of you know) have gotten ourselves a boxer pup back in October, shortly after our wedding. After having the puppy for just a few short days we panicked and took him back. Thankfully, is original owner let us come back less than 24hrs later to pick him up again. :)
Going back there was the BEST decision for us!
I'll tell you, that at this moment Dexter (our pup) is laying down all cute and snuggly on my bed....this is not normal. He's only acting this way because he ran a muck from 11am until about 5 this afternoon.
I decided to maybe provide some personal reflections and opinions to other people out there looking to possibly get themselves a boxer pup or dog.
They say boxers are like three year old children that never grow up. VERY true! Dexter is super playful! He has his sleepy times but for the most part he is an attention seeker.
Let's give you some history!
Boxers were bread from a wild dog in Germany and a mastiff. They were originally bred to hunt wild animals. Their jaws helped them hold onto the game until their owner reached them.
Today's boxers are much more playful and friendly. They make great companion dogs, and are very protective over their family. I cannot agree enough with this when it comes to Dexter. If Brandon so much as looks at me funny, or talks to me in a tone (jokingly) that Dexter does not like, and especially if he pretends to hit me or even TAP me DEXTER GOES NUTS! He is CRAZY protective over me. If I pretend to hit Brandon Dexter actually jumps in to help ME! I'm sure Brandon doesn't find it as endearing as I do but it makes my heart melt to know he cares that much about me.
Boxers love to have something to work for or have a task to do, so obedience training is a GREAT idea! Dexter started at about 3 months and was the star of his class! He picked up all the tricks very easily and loves doing them to this day.
Separation anxiety...if you get this GET A TRAINER, read up on it. Start leaving your puppy alone (crated preferably) in small increments. Dexter picked up separation anxiety at about 6 months out of nowhere. It IS possible to overcome if you nip it in the bud early! If you need any helpful tips or advice, I'm not a professional but with the help of one we defeated our puppies poor anxiety problems. Just comment and I will get back to you!
Lastly....get a harness that hooks in the front! Walking a strong boxer can be very difficult. Practice heel (usually taught at obedience classes or puppy training), or try other techniques to train him to walk beside you not lead you. The harness really helped us. I can actually walk him by myself!
Getting any kind of puppy is a big decision. In our family it's just Brandon and I. I think having less people in the family makes having a puppy (particularly a boxer puppy) a LOT like having a kid. They need constant attention, affection, and discipline. I think having more people in a family might make having a puppy easier but its not impossible for a couple. You just have to be ready to sacrifice a little and be PATIENT.
It's worth it! <3
Thursday, May 31, 2012
"Life's too short"
I haven't really been on the computer in quite awhile. Busy doing things around the house, making crafts, doing some gardening, and obviously working.
I've been so caught up in work work work that I decided to spend more time on me and who I really am.
I'm not my job. I'm a great friend, possibly a hippy at heart. I'm a yogi, a lover, a dog lover (as dexter licks my face haha). I talk wayyyy to much.
I want to laugh more, be healthier and spend more time with the people I love. I'm going to make the best of every second of every day. I think we all owe it to ourselves. We all get caught up in the hustle and bustle that we forget that life can be taken away at any second. Would you really be satisifed today that you did everything you wanted to? NO regrets?
So as of yesterday, I've been getting up earlier, eating right and doing yoga to start my day. I listen to RIDICULOUS music first thing in the morning to start my day (ie. whitney houston- I wanna dance with somebody)....seriously I challenge you to start your day with that song you'll laugh at yourself but you won't be able to stop dancing haha.
So what sparked this post?
The death of a childhood friend. Tim Berchou was taken away way too early to cancer. The older I get the more kids from my childhood and high school years I see pass away. It's cliche to say life's too short but it really is if you don't live it to the very fullest.
Here's to a year of doing new things and doing more with my time here on this earth.
This year I want to do a lot.
- I want to volunteer more
- I want to run a half marathon
- I want to dance like a fool at my boo's wedding!
- I want to spend time with my sister in ohio
- I want to go to the toronto zoo
- I want to go on my first cruise to europe next year
- I want to pursuse all my dreams and I won't stop at every road block.
keep on keeping on! you're never too old and its never too late!
I've been so caught up in work work work that I decided to spend more time on me and who I really am.
I'm not my job. I'm a great friend, possibly a hippy at heart. I'm a yogi, a lover, a dog lover (as dexter licks my face haha). I talk wayyyy to much.
I want to laugh more, be healthier and spend more time with the people I love. I'm going to make the best of every second of every day. I think we all owe it to ourselves. We all get caught up in the hustle and bustle that we forget that life can be taken away at any second. Would you really be satisifed today that you did everything you wanted to? NO regrets?
So as of yesterday, I've been getting up earlier, eating right and doing yoga to start my day. I listen to RIDICULOUS music first thing in the morning to start my day (ie. whitney houston- I wanna dance with somebody)....seriously I challenge you to start your day with that song you'll laugh at yourself but you won't be able to stop dancing haha.
So what sparked this post?
The death of a childhood friend. Tim Berchou was taken away way too early to cancer. The older I get the more kids from my childhood and high school years I see pass away. It's cliche to say life's too short but it really is if you don't live it to the very fullest.
Here's to a year of doing new things and doing more with my time here on this earth.
This year I want to do a lot.
- I want to volunteer more
- I want to run a half marathon
- I want to dance like a fool at my boo's wedding!
- I want to spend time with my sister in ohio
- I want to go to the toronto zoo
- I want to go on my first cruise to europe next year
- I want to pursuse all my dreams and I won't stop at every road block.
keep on keeping on! you're never too old and its never too late!
lifes too short,
start now
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
sights, smell, memories
Well hello new blogger! Or maybe it's just me..... I've been living off the blogger grid for at least a month now.
Busy with work and home. Our bathroom is partially remodeled. There is no longer a hole in the wall serving as a memory of the time dexter busted out of his crate and locked himself in the bathroom!
Speaking of memories, as I was driving home from a coffee date last night I had a band I listened to back in the day come on the old ipod shuffle.
For a second I felt like I was 18 again and sitting in the back seat of my sisters ford tempo rocking out as her, other friends and myself wondered the streets amiously with no destination in mind.
It also reminded me of stealing lawn gnomes and other ornaments.
Or riding around a campground with a jesus duct taped to the front of our golf cart!
I'm very very very content with my adulthood life but geez....I wanna stayyyyyyyyyyy 18 forevvvvvvver. (ahh...brand new.)
Back to 2012!
Busy with work and home. Our bathroom is partially remodeled. There is no longer a hole in the wall serving as a memory of the time dexter busted out of his crate and locked himself in the bathroom!
Speaking of memories, as I was driving home from a coffee date last night I had a band I listened to back in the day come on the old ipod shuffle.
For a second I felt like I was 18 again and sitting in the back seat of my sisters ford tempo rocking out as her, other friends and myself wondered the streets amiously with no destination in mind.
It also reminded me of stealing lawn gnomes and other ornaments.
yes...we stole all these.
Or riding around a campground with a jesus duct taped to the front of our golf cart!
I'm very very very content with my adulthood life but geez....I wanna stayyyyyyyyyyy 18 forevvvvvvver. (ahh...brand new.)
Back to 2012!
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