Monday, October 24, 2011


I really really REALLY, wanted to post before I left work today and I have some positive things to say. However, first I need to say that I started off my day in the worst way. Full of negativity and it made me extremely upset. For the first time in a long while I can say with 100% certainty. I was minding my own business, loving life, having fun and I was hit with a mack truck. I was yelled at for something I DID NOT do, or have any part in.

When this happens normally I'm upset because I worry if I played some small  part. Today....not worried. I won't stoop to the level of what a guy said about me because I know he's very important to some people I care about.

Anyways! has been busy, I have some awesome friends! I would be lost without bre! I've also had the chance to hang out with some other people, who are so down to earth and real! love it :)

and the latest edition to my family...
Dexter!! He is a little terd sometimes but he keeps me warm on the couch and keeps me exhausted haha. which is why I'm running late today! It was just way too hard to get up. I'm sorry to cut this short.

oh yes

I got married to a pretty awesome man :)

Monday, October 3, 2011

routine & errands

My daily routine is all messed up since the move! It's also been super hard to get up early in the morning. I need to get up again and start doing some yoga. We're pretty much all unpacked. I finished downloading the wedding music :). Just need to pick the songs for everyone to enter to at the reception.

Jenny helped me with her awesome handwriting for our placecards. I just need to finish putting them together.

tomrorow = work, dj stopping by, doing my hair at aunt amys.
wed= visiting the riviera, finishing my vows, seating chart
thurs = pack for PA
fri= favors, jennys dress appointment :) main pedi  rehearsel